Can we do a mail merge when a document is protected?



We have a variety of "form letters" that are used throughout the
organization, and I would like to be able to protect the body of the letter,
but allow the user to merge from a data table. IE Name, Address, etc can not
be locked.

I tried protecting the document and each of the options in 2002 created a
further problem. Track changes of course show the merged data as changes in
Red. "Comments" won't allow me to use the merge fields and "forms" with only
the correct sections highlighted greys out the option to mail merge the

Any suggestions?

Peter Jamieson

As far as I know the only way to do this is to use protected sections and
provide the user with a macro (and button to execute it) that
a. unprotects the protected sections
b. performs the merge
c. reprotects the protected sectins (or perhaps just closes the mergemain
document without saving changes).

Broadly speaking that doesn't offer much protection because the code has to
provide any password you might have used to protect the document, but it's
/a/ way to do it.

Peter Jamieson

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