Can we embed Media Player full screen mp3's with visualizations?


David Stewart

I have a Powerpoint presentation that will intermixes informational slides
with several 2-3 minute mpeg video clips. The application is "hung on the
waiting room wall" on a 32" LCD monitor for a MediSpa... giving information,
showing before/after video, lather, rinse, repeat!

Instead of just looping the slides ad naseum I'd love to have a series of
slide(s) that plays a Media Player playlist that runs in full screen mode
(battery/random is beautiful) for about 15 minutes, that either
loops/restarts the presentation or moves to the next slide in the

So in a single presentation I'd like to have:
- slides and transitions (check!)
- embedded Media Player mpeg movies (check - with the caveat that Powerpoint
is cutting off the end of my movies - that's another question though)
- embedded Media Player mp3 full screen visualization playlist

Any suggestions?


Austin Myers

Yes you can.

1. Open Windows Media Player and make certain you have visualizations turned
on. Close when done.

2. Open PowerPoint and with a new slide go to the controls tool bar and
click the small hammer icon at the botton. This opens a list of tools
(controls) you may use in PPT. Scroll to the end of the list and select
Windows Media Player.

3. Draw the control on the slide.

4. Right click the control (Media Player) and select properties.

5. Look for the uiMode. It will have an entry of "full". Delete it and
type in none.

6. Now look for the URL entry. It should be blank, Type in the path and
file name of the mp3. (IE: C:\MyDocuments\MyMusic\Elvis.mp3)

7. Close the properties window.

8. Stretch the Media Player to cover the entire slide.

Your ready to go! Play that presentation.

As to the video cutting off, I'd suggest converting them to a format more
compatible with PowerPoint. Give PFCMedia a try, it will handle all of
this automatically for you. You may download a free trial (fully
functioning) version from

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

PowerPoint Video and PowerPoint Sound Solutions

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