Can What-If Scenarios be created in MS Project 2000?



What I want to do is create multiple "what-if" scenarios that can be
visible all from the same file. The way it would work is the
1) The logic would remain constant.
2) As usual, the logic and duration will determine the values for
Start and Finish fields.
3) For "what-if" scenario 1, I would enter an alternate duration into
the Duration1 field and the Start1 and Finish1 fields would be
calculated. Scenario 2 would use the Duration2, Start2, and Finish2
fields and so on.

Has this already been done? Is there some setting in Project that
already does this? If not, is there a macro that already does this?

Thank you!


There is no setting in project to do this (discounting the wierd pert
I've written a macro which does this.
No time now, but I'll publish it tomorrow.
Basically it copies duration, start and finish into a spare duration field
(so you can get them back)
copies duration from say duration1, recalculates, saves start/finish in
same for duration2 etc.
Then copies the original duration back and recalculates.
Finally formats bar style so that it shows a bar for each schedule so you
can compare.

Pretty simple to do.



Thank you! Please post the link of your macro as a reply to this
message. I would like to try it out! Thanks again!



Here is the macro. Use it on a COPY of your schedule and test it before
using. I'm NOT responsible if you LOSE all of your work.


Sub choose()
'Copyright Jack Dahlgren, October 2004.
Dim jString As String
'Prompt user for which schedule to use.
'A gives the aggressive schedule
'P gives a pessimistic schedule
'No entry (just return cancels the macro
MsgBox "This macro switches between aggressive durations (stored in
duration5) and pessimistic durations (duration1) then recalcs the schedule."
jString = InputBox(("Please Enter Schedule Type" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "P
(Pessimistic)" & Chr(13) & "A (Aggressive)" & Chr(13) & "R (Oops!
Restore previous schedule)"), "Choose Schedule")
jString = UCase(Left(jString, 1))
If jString = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If

Select Case jString
'calc pessimistic schedule
Case "P"
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not t Is Nothing Then
If Not t.summary Then
'store current duration in text10 so restore can work
t.Duration10 = t.Duration
'copy duration from duration1
t.Duration = t.Duration1
End If
End If
Next t
'calculates the schedule using new durations
'stores the pessimistic data so bars can be drawn and ww can be output

'calcs aggressive schedule
Case "A"
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not t Is Nothing Then
If Not t.summary Then
t.Duration10 = t.Duration
t.Duration = t.Duration5
End If
End If
Next t

'resets values to what they were before the macro was run
'only recovers one level deep
Case "R"
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not t Is Nothing Then
If Not t.summary Then
t.Duration = t.Duration10
End If
End If
Next t
End Select
End Sub

Sub saveaggfinish()
Dim t As Task
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not t Is Nothing Then
t.Text6 = t.Text30
t.Finish6 = t.Finish
t.Start6 = t.start
End If
Next t

End Sub

Sub savepessfinish()
Dim t As Task
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not t Is Nothing Then
t.Text7 = t.Text30
t.Start7 = t.start
t.Finish7 = t.Finish
End If
Next t

End Sub

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