Right, which is why I suggested a very large font. Then it was always need
to shrink. Or almost always<g>.
| Jim;
| Shrink to Fit seems to only work If your input EXCEEDS the existing Col
| I think this gal Cara was All Cells to auto-adjust (even the font) to Max
| out the
| Existing Cell Size.
| Or am I missing something here?
| Thanks,
| Another Jim
| "Jim Rech" wrote:
| > You can do this automatically. First select the text range and assign
| > the largest text size you'll ever need, like 24. Then, with the same
| > selected, select the "Shrink to Fit" option under Format, Cells,
| > You may have to adjust row heights after this.
| >
| > --
| > Jim
| > | > | Hi
| > | I have data strings of varying length that I want to have as big as
| > possible
| > | given a fixed column width. Is there a way to automate this or do I
| > to
| > | format the font for every individual one?
| > | Thanks!
| > | Cara
| >
| >