Can you change the sharepoint discussion boards to sort by newest post at top and oldest post at bot



I have looked everywhere trying to figure out how this can be done with no luck. I simply want to have a view within SharePoint Discussion Boards to show the newest post at the top of the page instead of the bottom. Perhaps it simply can not be done, but that seems odd to me considering every discussion board I have ever seen sorts by the newest at top, and oldest at bottom.

The closest I have found out on how to accomplish this comes from this link But it doest work.... I changed the sort order of the "ordering" field to descending, which worked but the threads were no longer threaded... so every post in each thread looked like its own seperate topic...

Can this be done

- Bryan

MD Websunlimited

Hi Bryan,

This question should be posed in the SPTS NG

Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97 - '02

Bryan said:
I have looked everywhere trying to figure out how this can be done with no luck. I simply want to have a view within SharePoint
Discussion Boards to show the newest post at the top of the page instead of the bottom. Perhaps it simply can not be done, but that
seems odd to me considering every discussion board I have ever seen sorts by the newest at top, and oldest at bottom.
The closest I have found out on how to accomplish this comes from this link But it doest work.... I
changed the sort order of the "ordering" field to descending, which worked but the threads were no longer threaded... so every post
in each thread looked like its own seperate topic...

Stefan B Rusynko

The WSS newsgroup is at:

Open the Discussion and select Manage Web Parts to add a custom view or modify an existing view including the sort order of fields

| Hi Bryan,
| This question should be posed in the SPTS NG
| --
| Mike -- FrontPage MVP '97 - '02
| >
| > I have looked everywhere trying to figure out how this can be done with no luck. I simply want to have a view within SharePoint
| Discussion Boards to show the newest post at the top of the page instead of the bottom. Perhaps it simply can not be done, but
| seems odd to me considering every discussion board I have ever seen sorts by the newest at top, and oldest at bottom.
| >
| > The closest I have found out on how to accomplish this comes from this link
| But it doest work.... I
| changed the sort order of the "ordering" field to descending, which worked but the threads were no longer threaded... so every
| in each thread looked like its own seperate topic...
| >
| > Can this be done?
| >
| > - Bryan

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