Thanks Chris. Excellent blog as usual by the way.
It occurs to me re-reading Kevin's original post that you may be refering to
exporting a selection as an image? If that's the case you can select all of
the shapes you want to include and then 'Save As' and choose .gif (or
another file format) to export as an image. If you want to export an area
larger than your initial selection, then draw a rectangle around the area
that you're after, send it the back (Shape/Order/Send to back) and then
'Save As' as above. Note that if nothing is selected when you save as an
image format, an area covering all of the shapes on the page will be
As a final option, if you're refering to 'cropping' the page itself then you
can hover the mouse over the page edges, press the ctrl key and drag the
page to the size you're after.
There, hopefully one of those will answer your question
Best regards
John Goldsmith