Can you find any shortcomings in this website?



Dear friends,

I recently created this website and it took me three

months to its completion

Can you kindly check this website and find out any

defects or flaws in design,layout and organization and

any suggestions that can improve it?

I will greatly appreciate your suggestions


Paul C

I would close the gap between the navigation catagories on the left so it
doesn't take up so much verticle space. This is only my preference mind and
is a design issue which you might not agree with.
Paul C


I clicked the logo saying "instant loan approval" and was linked to a site. I
did a search on google for "instant loan approval" and got over 200,000

It's hard to work out just what you site does. This maybe just me, but I
can't really see what your site is for. Sorry. But you did ask.


Dear Paul C, I appreciate your suggestion, I myself

tried to remove that gap but the adsense ad space in the

upper cell wouldn't allow this, because there is no

adsense ad size smaller in width than that size.

-- >>Wide collection of Online
Products & Services

Paul C said:
I would close the gap between the navigation catagories on the left so it
doesn't take up so much verticle space. This is only my preference mind and
is a design issue which you might not agree with.
Paul C


Mr. Wayne thanks for taking out time,as far as your

comments are concerned, I have created this website for

advertising different types of products and services

from various companies, as its mentioned in my terms and

conditions page that I am not responsible for what ever

these companies offer, as I get all of these products

and services from Commission Junction which is a world

leader in advertising and marketing, from this point its

obvious that these products or services are of high




I wasn't commenting on the site function - thats obvious. I think it's a
well made site - from my non-expert view.

I was just answering your request for coments. My comment was that I can't
see what the site is for when you can google, yahoo, msn, etc, etc for much
better (more) results on any item you're interested in.

Good luck with the site. As I said I'm not a web design expert like many of
the people in the FP forum are, I was just answering your request.


Thanks once again for your response, I do agree with you on the fact that
search engines bring more results for a specific topic but its not sufficient
yet, if it was so then major advertising companies like yahoo or google would
stop their advertising programs as their search engines already bring up
billions of products.

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