displays the number of dollars,quarters,
My name is Rahima Mohammed;
I am a student of John Tyler community collage in VA. I am
doing a research project On Microsoft Access. For my
research I have to survey for some answers I will be
grateful if you would help me on this.
My survey 3 questions are:
1.Can you give some introduction like back ground in support
of Microsoft Access
2.Can you include a problem statement which targets the
usability of Access in the work environment with defining
the limitation of scope ? Can you explain with some
examples.?and what its purpose purpose?
3.Why one should care for Microsoft Access.?
Thank you
Rahima Mohammed
student of Microsoft application
My name is Rahima Mohammed;
I am a student of John Tyler community collage in VA. I am
doing a research project On Microsoft Access. For my
research I have to survey for some answers I will be
grateful if you would help me on this.
My survey 3 questions are:
1.Can you give some introduction like back ground in support
of Microsoft Access
2.Can you include a problem statement which targets the
usability of Access in the work environment with defining
the limitation of scope ? Can you explain with some
examples.?and what its purpose purpose?
3.Why one should care for Microsoft Access.?
Thank you
Rahima Mohammed
student of Microsoft application