can you insert preformatted table in word ie Bold, Borders etc



can you have tables setup to automatically have bold header row and bold
border on the outside and thiner border within the table. and have these
settings automatically applied to new tables added within a document


Depends on your version of Word. Table styles were introduced with W2000 or
2003. A table style enables you to specify some table properties, and
borders, fonts, etc, by row and column; and you can nominate a particular
table style as the default for new tables.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

As Jezebel says, a table style seems to be what you're looking for. In Word
2000, you are limited to selecting your favorite Table AutoFormat as the
default (for the current document or its template). Real table styles (which
are user customizable) were introduced in Word 2002; they can be saved in
documents or templates. They have certain drawbacks, however; see

Another approach is to save a formatted table as an AutoText entry. This can
be saved in a specific document template for use in documents based on that

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