Can you instiall Publisher 2000 with other Office 2003 products?



We have some elements of Microsoft Office 2003 installed on a machine here.
We want to install Publisher 2000. Are there any compatibility issues to
look out for? Should we even try to install Publisher 2000 at all?

Ed Bennett

bennihaha said:
We have some elements of Microsoft Office 2003 installed on a machine here.
We want to install Publisher 2000. Are there any compatibility issues to
look out for?

Many recommend installing it in its own separate folder from the main
Office installation
Should we even try to install Publisher 2000 at all?

Well, if you can't get your hands on Publisher 2003, then go for it.
Publisher 2003 is the better product, though.


With all due respect, many MVPs here recommend Publisher 2000 as the best
version for producing websites.

Chuck Davis

With the same level of respect, who brought up the web site issue? FrontPage
is the best for producing web sites. Why would one want to use a desk top
publishing program?

Ed Bennett

Brucels said:
With all due respect, many MVPs here recommend Publisher 2000 as the best
version for producing websites.

What Chuck said. Whilst Pub2000 is better in almost all respects in that
area, I don't really consider webdesign ability as a criterion when
weighing up DTP packages.

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