Can you please make Word select only the text I highlight- not mo


Angela Hey

I do not like the way that Word jumps to select a whole paragraph, or
sentence or word. I have turned off the appropriate options in Edit.
However if I want to select 9.5 sentences in an 11 sentence paragraph, Word
will jump to select the entire text. I know exactly what I want to select, am
very accurate with the mouse and would really like a CTRL-Select option or an
option in Edit to turn off the smart selection. If I select the middle of a
word and go to the middle of word 2 pages later that's the exact text I want
to select - not more or less. Can you fix this?

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I don't find this to be the case. I can select from the middle of a word to
the middle of any word I try. I have unchecked "Use Smart Cursoring," "Use
Smart Paragraph selection," and "When selecting, automatically select entire
word." Maybe you missed turning one of these off.

Angela Hey

I have all those three things not checked and it still cannot select exactly
what I want maybe the kword file is wrong?

Angela Hey

The problem only occurs with long selections. If I select a paragraph or two
then indeed the software selects just the area I want - but I have a large
screen and if I select 10 or 12 paragraphs somewhere in the middle of each,
Word zooms to cover the whole paragraph with shading.

This is most annoying as if I type over the selected area fast I end up
replacing whole paragraphs instead of sections. Try it on 50 page documents
and selecting over page boundaries.

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