Can you recommend advanced Access course offerings?


Ann Scharpf

Hello to all you Access gurus:

I would like to know if you can recommend training organizations/schools
that would be good for taking advanced Access classes with. It is "annual
review" time in my company and I can request a course or two to take.

When I look at the one & two day "advanced" Access seminars, they offer
things like "Designing a make table query" , "Designing a delete query" ,
"Using the combo box wizard." I'm sorry, but this is what Help is for.
(And, when that's not enough, the MS Community Newsgroups!)

I would like to find a more in-depth course that would discuss things I see
you talk about on these boards. Programming in Access. Optimizing your
database. My knowledge seems to put me in the advanced seminar classes, but
I look at the range of topics you all discuss here and I realize I know

I've taken Beginning & Intermediate seminars & learned an awful lot "at the
feet" of the folks here, but I'd like to learn a lot more. I do better with
hands-on, instructor-led training than just with books. And, if my company
will spring for a class, there's no reason not to invest the time.

I've tried to look through online college course catalogs and so far don't
see any classes geared toward Access. The local community college just
offers basic & intermediate as continuing education courses.

So I'm wondering if you all are pretty much self-taught or if you can
suggest anyplace I could go for some formal training.

Thanks very much for sharing your thoughts.

John W. Vinson

So I'm wondering if you all are pretty much self-taught or if you can
suggest anyplace I could go for some formal training.

I've never taken an Access course; my last database course was in Oracle about
20 years ago. The Access courses I've seen described were pretty much as
you've seen - pretty lame, that is to say!

Good luck finding something. Talk to the IT department at a local community
college would be my best guess... but don't get your hopes too high.

Ann Scharpf

Yes, I've done some of the Microsoft tutorials. But, as part of my review
process, I'm supposed to REQUEST some CLASSES.

I should have mentioned, too, I am in the DC area.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and anyone else who might weigh in!

Ann Scharpf

Thanks, Doug! These courses look perfect; good curricula. The intermediate
looks more advanced than the intermediate class I already had. These classes
really seem like they will fill in a lot of holes for me.

I emailed and asked if I could do Intermediate/Advanced one week and the
Query class the next week. A lot of information but Sco said there is
overlap between Advanced & Query, so it wouldn't be too bad. We'll see if I
can get my company to spring for a class that requires a hotel. I've got a
free plane ticket I can use if I have to!

Danny Lesandrini


Sco's a friend of mine and I know he is brilliant with Access. If you do
come, try to arrange your visit to include the 3rd Thursday of the month,
and you'll be in town for the Denver Area Access User's Group meeting.
Great for networking, and like getting an extra class-session for free.

Mark Andrews

I would recommend books, web sites and possibly buying some of the access
templates that include
a good deal of source code. In my experience I like classes but mainly
because of the "traveling to some place nice" aspect.

If you are at a very basic level a class can be good but once you get past a
certain level you usually only get
a few tidbits of knowledge or possibly if the teacher is really good you get
to pick their brain or they recommend
some web sites you didn't know about to download samples.

My #1 pick for tips is

Also sometimes the technical conferences are good, if you go to enough you
learn who the good presenters are and can maximize your time.

My two cents,
Mark Andrews
RPT Software


Bless you Danny L...

Excellent idea about the 3rd Thursday.

Let me know where you'd like to go to lunch! :)

John W. Vinson


Has it been that long that you've forgotten me???

Must have been... did I ever actually take a classroom course from you??

If so the CRS syndrome must be in full swing!

M.L. Sco Scofield


No, you never took any classes from me. However, we did break bread a few
times in one of my previous lives. :)

You got CRS? I got CRS. What a small world...


M.L. "Sco" Scofield, MCSD, MCP, MSS, A+, Access MVP 2001 - 2005
Denver Area Access Users Group Past President 2006/2007
MS Colorado Events Administrator
This email made with 100% recycled electrons!
Miscellaneous Access "stuff" at

John W. Vinson

No, you never took any classes from me. However, we did break bread a few
times in one of my previous lives. :)

Well, I used to believe in reincarnation but I don't now - that was in a
previous existance.

M.L. Sco Scofield

LOL! :)


M.L. "Sco" Scofield, MCSD, MCP, MSS, A+, Access MVP 2001 - 2005
Denver Area Access Users Group Past President 2006/2007
This email made with 100% recycled electrons!
Miscellaneous Access "stuff" at

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