Can you Roll-Up Work Totals by Resource Group?




newby apologies if this has been answered before

Is there a way to have separate roll-up totals for different resource groups?

Scenario - I have 2 teams working on a project, my team and a group from my

Ideally i'd like to have my gantt chart show 3 columns:
1. total Work
2. Work by my Team and
3. Work by the Client Team.



Rob Schneider


The Gantt Chart is a view of tasks; whereas you are asking for a view of
resources. They are different.

Try this: Menu: View/Resource Usage. Then Menu: Project/Group by ...,
pick Resource Group (which will use the Group names you assigned to
resources). You can zoom in and out to change the time scale on the
data shown at the right of the view.



Thanks Rob - that's useful.

I take your point wrt tasks v resources, but the Work column on the Gantt
view does show total effort, task-by-task, and then totals this up
verticallly, thru the different phases to give a total effort for the project.

i'm just wondering if there's a way to separate the effort back out [by
resource group] at the task level to allow me to keep the totals for the 2
project teams separate.

apologies if i'm 'not getting it'

TIA nad have a good weekend!

Rob Schneider

I don't know any way out of the box (off hand), but what you could do I
suppose is use the custom fields with some VBA to do these sums and stor
the results in the relevant task fields. Use the summary rollups to
rollup by task hierarchy. My hunch is that's non-trivial to get the
code right and sustainable, though. Give it a shot.



Hi Mikey,

Pardon me for bumping in. Yes, you can do what you are seeking.
Display the Task Usage view and create a new group through Project >
Group By > More Groups, New.

Group By:
Outline Number
Field Type: Task
Order: Ascending

Then By:
Field Type: Task
Order: Ascending

Then by:
Resource Group
Field Type: Assignment
Order: Ascending

** You'll need to check "group assignments, not tasks" to be able to
select the Assignment field type for the Resource Group.

Add the work field and you should be off and running.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project

Jan De Messemaeker


No problem, here's how
Project Menu
Group By..
More Groups
.... write a name for the group
Click on "group assignments, not tasks"
Group by... select Resource Group

There you are.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:

Rob Schneider

Cool. Can you think of a way to get this on the Gantt?


Hi Mikey,

Pardon me for bumping in. Yes, you can do what you are seeking.
Display the Task Usage view and create a new group through Project >
Group By > More Groups, New.

Group By:
Outline Number
Field Type: Task
Order: Ascending

Then By:
Field Type: Task
Order: Ascending

Then by:
Resource Group
Field Type: Assignment
Order: Ascending

** You'll need to check "group assignments, not tasks" to be able to
select the Assignment field type for the Resource Group.

Add the work field and you should be off and running.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project

Mikey said:
Thanks Rob - that's useful.

I take your point wrt tasks v resources, but the Work column on
the Gantt
view does show total effort, task-by-task, and then totals this up
verticallly, thru the different phases to give a total effort for
the project.

i'm just wondering if there's a way to separate the effort back
out [by
resource group] at the task level to allow me to keep the totals
for the 2
project teams separate.

apologies if i'm 'not getting it'

TIA nad have a good weekend!


Sorry, no. The assignment field choice is only for assignment
views -- Task Usage or Resource Usage.
Rob Schneider said:
Cool. Can you think of a way to get this on the Gantt?


Hi Mikey,

Pardon me for bumping in. Yes, you can do what you are seeking.
Display the Task Usage view and create a new group through
Project > Group By > More Groups, New.

Group By:
Outline Number
Field Type: Task
Order: Ascending

Then By:
Field Type: Task
Order: Ascending

Then by:
Resource Group
Field Type: Assignment
Order: Ascending

** You'll need to check "group assignments, not tasks" to be able
to select the Assignment field type for the Resource Group.

Add the work field and you should be off and running.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project

Mikey said:
Thanks Rob - that's useful.

I take your point wrt tasks v resources, but the Work column on
the Gantt
view does show total effort, task-by-task, and then totals this
verticallly, thru the different phases to give a total effort
for the project.

i'm just wondering if there's a way to separate the effort back
out [by
resource group] at the task level to allow me to keep the totals
for the 2
project teams separate.

apologies if i'm 'not getting it'

TIA nad have a good weekend!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Mikey --

Rob got you moving in the right direction. Assuming you populated the Group
field in the Resource Sheet view of your project, you might try this:

1. Click View - Resource Usage.
2. Click View - Table - Usage (this shows the Work column)
3. Click the Group pick list on the Standard toolbar and select the
Assignments Keeping Outline Structure group.
4. Click Project - Group By - Customize Group By.
5. In the Customize Group By dialog, select the pick list where the Name
field appears and choose the Group field instead.
6. Click the OK button.

The above grouping will show your two groups, with the total Work hours for
each group, along with the WBS for the project. Hope this helps.

Hope this helps.

Rob Schneider

That's what I thought. I was trying to think of a way to get on Gantt
(which is what the OP wanted).


Sorry, no. The assignment field choice is only for assignment
views -- Task Usage or Resource Usage.
Rob Schneider said:
Cool. Can you think of a way to get this on the Gantt?


Hi Mikey,

Pardon me for bumping in. Yes, you can do what you are seeking.
Display the Task Usage view and create a new group through
Project > Group By > More Groups, New.

Group By:
Outline Number
Field Type: Task
Order: Ascending

Then By:
Field Type: Task
Order: Ascending

Then by:
Resource Group
Field Type: Assignment
Order: Ascending

** You'll need to check "group assignments, not tasks" to be able
to select the Assignment field type for the Resource Group.

Add the work field and you should be off and running.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project

Thanks Rob - that's useful.

I take your point wrt tasks v resources, but the Work column on
the Gantt
view does show total effort, task-by-task, and then totals this
verticallly, thru the different phases to give a total effort
for the project.

i'm just wondering if there's a way to separate the effort back
out [by
resource group] at the task level to allow me to keep the totals
for the 2
project teams separate.

apologies if i'm 'not getting it'

TIA nad have a good weekend!


Yes, he did initially ask for the Gantt view, but sadly, to group by
Resource Group by assignment, the Task Usage view is the only
choice. I opted for the Task Usage view versus the resource usage
view to preserve the idea of driven by task, then by resource group.


Rob Schneider said:
That's what I thought. I was trying to think of a way to get on
Gantt (which is what the OP wanted).


Sorry, no. The assignment field choice is only for assignment
views -- Task Usage or Resource Usage.
Rob Schneider said:
Cool. Can you think of a way to get this on the Gantt?


JulieS wrote:
Hi Mikey,

Pardon me for bumping in. Yes, you can do what you are
seeking. Display the Task Usage view and create a new group
through Project > Group By > More Groups, New.

Group By:
Outline Number
Field Type: Task
Order: Ascending

Then By:
Field Type: Task
Order: Ascending

Then by:
Resource Group
Field Type: Assignment
Order: Ascending

** You'll need to check "group assignments, not tasks" to be
able to select the Assignment field type for the Resource

Add the work field and you should be off and running.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project

Thanks Rob - that's useful.

I take your point wrt tasks v resources, but the Work column
on the Gantt
view does show total effort, task-by-task, and then totals
this up
verticallly, thru the different phases to give a total effort
for the project.

i'm just wondering if there's a way to separate the effort
back out [by
resource group] at the task level to allow me to keep the
totals for the 2
project teams separate.

apologies if i'm 'not getting it'

TIA nad have a good weekend!


Thanks everyone!

Much Appreciated1


Jan De Messemaeker said:

No problem, here's how
Project Menu
Group By..
More Groups
.... write a name for the group
Click on "group assignments, not tasks"
Group by... select Resource Group

There you are.

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:


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