Cancelled article by mistake. How can I get it back?



I 'blacked out' a page of an article I typed in My Documents thinking I would
be making an attachment of it and by mistake hit the spacer key and lost it
all. Is it possible to get it back if I've done that?


Once you save the document, the answer is: no, unfortunately.

In future, as soon as you do something like that, press CTRL+Z to undo the
change. Or simply close the document and when asked whether you want to save
changes, answer in the negative.


JoAnn Paules

Do you mean you highlighted the entire text then hit the space key? If so,
and you do not have a back up copy, you're out of luck.


it sounds like you had blocked
the sentences then you click the
space bar which replaced the
items with a "space"

I do the same mistake on occasion
when I inadvertently hit any key
when I have blocked items.


if the article was still opened
then you could "undue" the change.

but if you saved the article after
you changed it, then it also saved
the change you made.


however, if your word is setup to
make auto backup documents,

then you might have a backup of
the file.

look in the original folder for
that file and see if you have any
..wbk files or filenames with the
word "Backup" in them.

DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- nntp Postologist
~ "share the nirvana" - dbZen


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