Cannot accept PWA EULA


Kevin Lisboa

So our company has brought in some outside consultants
that are using their standard systems to access our
network and access Project Web Access.

The problem I ran into with on of them was that he could
not accept the End User License License Agreement (EULA).
After checking the box and selecting "Next" PWA simply
reloaded the EULA.

No error messages, no hesitations. I dumped his temp
files and cookies thinking maybe something was corrupted,
but that didn't work either.

Haven't seen a Knowledge Base article that addresses
this. Any takers?

Thanks! and Happy Halloween!


William \(Bill\) Raymond

Hi Kevin,

Sounds like your consultant may have used PWA at another client site.
Accepting the EULA also downloads the ActiveX components that display
information on the website. If your consultant used another server or the
initial install failed, you will get this problem. So, how to fix it? Read

1) Exit any running applications, then just run one instance of Internet
2) Go to the "Tools-Internet Options" menu.
3) From the "General Tab", click the "Settings" button, then the "View
Objects" button.
4) Delete any files that start with "pj" (for Project).
5) While you are at it, go to the "Security Tab" and make sure your Project
Server is configured as a "Trusted Site". Do this by clicking on the
"Sites" tab and adding the server name you use to connect to Project (i.e.
6) Exit IE, then re-run and go to Project Server. The consultant should be
able to accept the EULA and download the components.


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