Cannot access individual rows because table has vertically merged



I have a four column table where column 1 is the "key" and entries are by row. I want to locate a row by the value stored in column 1, then access the values in columns 3 and 4 of that row. Some rows however are split in columns 3 & 4 such that there are two or more rows. I guess word sees it as column 1 is merged over several rows. If I try to access the individual rows in column 3 that are associated with the value in row i of column 1 with .Rows(i).Cells(3) I get the error message in the subject. If I use .Columns(3).Cells(i), I get no error message but I have no way of knowing which row in column 1 it pertains to.
Does anyone have any ideas how to go about doing this?

Klaus Linke

Hi Peter,

If you have already located the "key" cell in column 1, you could just move
to the third column:
..Move Unit:=wdCell, Count:=2

It's true that Word treats the cells in other columns as "merged" if you
have split a cell in some column vertically.

To get the indices that Word uses:
numRow = Selection.Information(wdStartOfRangeRowNumber)
numCol = Selection.Information(wdStartOfRangeColumnNumber)

And to select that cell:

BTW, what version do you use? If I follow your example in Word2002, I can't
even access columns any more ... that is, Columns(3).Cells(i) gives an
error message 5992 about "mixed cell widths", though all cells have the
same width :-(


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