Cannot Access PWA, but can access some of the project sites.



Greeting All,
We are ruunning Project Server 2007, everything was working fine and then
today, We cannot get to the PWA or any of the Top level sites. One of my
team was adding resources by Synching from AD could that be the problem.
I can still access the server from Project Pro 2007.
Two error occure
1 when I access it like this

ERROR - HTTP: 500 error Internal Service
or like this

ERROR Cannot complete this action.
Please try again.
-- Dan Reed (PMP)

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi dan,

There may be a couple of options of why this problem occurs. cAn you please
check a couple of things:
1. check if you have any error messages in your event log on the Application
2. Stop and restart the Internet information server ( i dont think this is
the problem but just to make sure)

Have you made any changes on the Application server at all ( e.g. Patches,
hotfixes, new software)

Let me know the results of these actions


Greeting All,
We are ruunning Project Server 2007, everything was working fine and then
today, We cannot get to the PWA or any of the Top level sites. One of my
team was adding resources by Synching from AD could that be the problem.
I can still access the server from Project Pro 2007.
Two error occure
1 when I access it like this

ERROR - HTTP: 500 error Internal Service
or like this

ERROR Cannot complete this action.
Please try again.
-- Dan Reed (PMP)

Hi Dan:

There are definite issues with AD sync. Two of our customers have
been experiencing the following issue, and Microsoft said it will be
resolved with SP1 (no street date yet).

Resources will become "stranded" in the Published database. What this
means is that when you look at them in PWA, they do not appear to be
checked out. If you go to Database Administration | Force Checkin
Enterprise Objects, the resource does not appear as checked out.
However, AD will fail to sync if you look at the app server log and
will list resources as being checked out. This will prevent the
users from being able to log-on to the system.

Right now, the workaround is that the DBA or someone with database
access will need to check the actual Project Server published database
in SQL Server and manually check them back in. In the Published
database, MSP_RESOURCES table, check the RES_CHECKOUTBY column. If
the value for those checked-out resources is 0000, then it's the known
issue. You will have to manually set those resources status to NULL.

Because this happens on a daily basis to our customers, and it is so
random, they have elected to turn off AD sync at this time and
manually add resources when necessary through PWA.

I know that this is not optimal, but I wanted to share this in case
you encounter this.



Hi Marc,
we did have an error related to the Active Directory Synch Failed.

http://project/PWA SSP Name: SharedServices1 PSError: Success (0) A
general exception occurred during communication with Active Directory.

We restarted everything but no luck

If you are in the SharePoint Central Admin 3.0 - Central Administration >
Application Management > Site Collection List and select /PWA there is no
information displayed.

We have not made any changes to the server.
Thanks for the help


Hi Michelle,
Thanks for the info we change there are dates in that field instead of 0000
I set it to Null and still now luck, I think something has happend to PWA

Now the PWA site and its direct sub-sites are not accessible. We cannot

We can access the database with Project Professional and all seems well on
that side it is just the SharePoint site.

We can also access 2nd level sub sites, the ones where we are not inheriting
permissions like
We can also get to http://project


We did have an error in the system log relating to the AD synchronization
We ended up restoring PWA from a backup and turn off AD synchronization ALL
is well. Thanks for your Help.

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