cannot access reports and form code crashes access




I read thrhough the boards and I'm stuck. At work I have Office 2003
Professional and SP1 applied. When I open ANY db, including the Northwind
sample, two things happen.

1) The report design button doesn't open the report. If I try to create a
new report I get nothing either. NO error msg, just no response.

2) If I go into a form and go to the code button, the VBA editor launches
and immediately crashes with a C ++ Debug library error, that display no
error info. Abort, retry and ignore all just close the app.

I have tried: uninstalling and reinstalling office and, I've
unchecked the Autocheck options, and compacted and repaired the db's but
because this happens on EVERY db and the same dbs work at home, I believe
it's a generic access problem.

I'm running XP SP2, Visual 2003 and Office Professional 2003 SP1

So, please help!!!!



As a bit of wishful thinking I'd check to see if I have a
default printer installed. If so, try another printer (it
doesn't need to really exist).



Well, further reading through the boards and this response confirmed it.
Thanks Terry. I cannot leave my functioning printer as a default. I have to
leave my PDF driver as the default then select the printer at the time I want
to print.

Odd, but worked around!


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