cannot add shared calender



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

Hey guys,

I'm having problems adding a shared calender of a specific user - it worked for 4 others without problem. This needs a little further informations

We are running an Exchange 6.5 (SP2) with 2 Domains. Since those are different companies users who need an adress for both domains get two seperate Exchange Accounts

(e-mail address removed) - username is john.doe
(e-mail address removed) - username is j.doe

The rights for other users are set and everything is good to go. Outlook doesn't have a problem. Entourage 2004 is able to add the calender too.

However as for Entourage 2008 the following appears: I go to "add a shared folder of another user", put in the name "John Doe" then both accounts show up
John Doe - example1
John Doe - example2
So basicly Entourage found both calanders and should be able to add them. But when I select one (it doesn't matter which one) I get the message that the calender/folder doesn't exist.

(I don't know what it says exactly, but it's the same error a lot of people have reported here in the forum when addings a shared folder)

I appreciative any possible solution/idea you might come up with.


Ok, so the error goes like
"Could not find Mailbox for the user John Doe".

I also have to mention that the users are within the same domain. So this error occurs when a user from (e-mail address removed) wants to add the Calender of (e-mail address removed)

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