Cannot alt+tab between open Excel files



I have a new computer and just reinstalled Office 2003. I usually have
several Excel documents open at once, and before I would simply hit alt+tab
to scroll between the documents as well as any other open applications. Now
that's not working between Excel files.

Here's the scenario. I open two Excel files. One of the files has the
focus. Then, when I try to alt+tab to the other file, when I select the file
in the box that pops up when I hit alt+tab the focus does not leave the first
file and the "File" menu item is highlighted.

Maddening! I have "windows in taskbar" checked and for the life of me I
can't figure out why it worked one way on the old computer and why it's now
doing this on the new computer!


Yep, CTRL+TAB and CTRL+F6 seem to work for me too. Alt+tab works with one of
my coworkers (also new) machines so there must be something about my
computer. I tested Word and other applications for this exact scenario and
they work fine so there must be a setting I'm missing in Excel....


Click Tools-Options. Select the View tab. Check 'Windows in Taskbar'.

If that is not checked, then Windows will not see it separately when using


Dave Peterson

Maybe it's just a coordination issue between your thumb and forefinger???

If I hit and release the alt key, File on the menubar is highlighted.


Believe me, I've thought about that. Yes, I know Alt is another way to
access the main menu options in any application, not just Excel. But, they
way I used to do it is to hit and hold Alt while pressing Tab to scroll
through the applications. Once I got to the application, or in this case the
Excel file I wanted, I would release Alt and there you go.

I saw an earlier post on this also. I already have "Windows in Taskbar"


There may be another possibility you want to look at. I've experienced this
before. Sometimes I'll only have two excel files open, but when I hold down
ALT and press Tab once, it will show three excel icons. I Alt+Tab to one of
them and nothing happens. Sometimes I'll have to keep pressing Tab until I
get to the third Excel icon in order for it to switch to the other open

Dave Peterson

And if you take great pains to be careful with the alt-tab, you still don't get
it to work?

Two wild guesses...

#1. The keyboard is one of those fancy programmable keyboards. And it's been
programmed weird???

#2. Something in Accessibility Options (under control panel) is set
differently. I couldn't break it when I experimented in WinXP Home, though.

Dave Peterson

One more thing to check.

Can you fiddle with the settings under Keyboard in the control panel. Maybe
it's set for too quick/too slow???


Sigh.......thanks to all for their suggestions but nothing I try resolves the
issue. I changed the repeat rate on the keyboard - no luck. I looked in the
alt-tab menu to see about a 3rd Excel icon. There is one there but it's for
the file that has the focus. So, there are two Excel icons for the file I'm
currently on and one for the file I want to bring up - no luck there either.
Fiddled with Accessability Options - no luck.

The weird thing is that this only happens with Excel, nothing else.

Sounds like we're running out of options unless someone has a brilliant

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it!

Dave Peterson

I don't have any more guesses.

Good luck.
Sigh.......thanks to all for their suggestions but nothing I try resolves the
issue. I changed the repeat rate on the keyboard - no luck. I looked in the
alt-tab menu to see about a 3rd Excel icon. There is one there but it's for
the file that has the focus. So, there are two Excel icons for the file I'm
currently on and one for the file I want to bring up - no luck there either.
Fiddled with Accessability Options - no luck.

The weird thing is that this only happens with Excel, nothing else.

Sounds like we're running out of options unless someone has a brilliant

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it!

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