Cannot Build a Team



I am receiving a pop up which states "you cannot build a tean for a
nonenterprise project or to do list".

The projects are in Project center, and appear to work as they should. The
MS Help section is completely useless for this question.

Any ideas?

- - - jzis

Dale Howard [MVP]

jzis --

If you are receiving this error message in the PWA Project Center when you
click the Build Team button, then this indicates that you have saved the
project as a non-enterprise project (probably as an .mpp file) and then
published it. By default, Project Server does not allow the publishing of
non-enterprise projects, so it sounds like your Project Server administrator
has allowed this permission for some reason. This is not a good thing and
the permission should be disallowed.

Is this problem related, by chance, to your problems yesterday about the
missing enterprise features in Microsoft Project Professional? If so, I
still contend that you are NOT logging into Project Server through Microsoft
Project Professional, in spite of your insistance that you are. When the
enterprise features are grayed out on the menus in Microsoft Project
Professional, this means you have not logged into Project Server. Hope this

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