Cannot disable Acrobat 6.0 toolbar in Visio 2003



Visio 2003 SP2 on Windows XP Professional SP2. Acrobat Professional 6.0 (not
the reader, the full Acrobat package) is also installed.

Tools | Customize | Toolbar tab
The entry for "PDFMaker 6.0" is UNchecked. This means this toolbar should
NOT load when Visio starts up.

However, the PDFMaker toolbar ALWAYS loads, every time. Further, it always
loads where it wants to and never remembers where I moved it to last time.

Acrobat 6.0 also puts toolbars into Word and Excel. Those toolbars behave as
expected, and do not load if you tell them not to.

Any ideas on how to disable this toolbar for real? I want the "Adobe PDF"
menu to show up, but I don't want the toolbar.

It is very frustrating.


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