Hi Bill,
There can be a number of variables that affect
that setting, including,
The (Word)picture editor choice in Tools=>Options=>Edit
The type of graphic
The method used to insert or link it.
You cannot add to the list of available 'picture editors'.
If you insert (Insert=>Picture=>From File) picture types of
Windows Metafile (WMF) or Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
you should be able to use the right click and Edit Picture,
where you may be prompted to convert it to a Drawing Object.
If you insert a bitmapped graphic (PNG, BMP, GIF, JPEG)
the Edit Picture choice will generally be greyed out.
If you open a bitmapped graphic in MS Windows Paint and
then use Edit=>Copy then paste it into Word using
Edit=>Paste Special and select Bitmap Image Object
as the file type, you create an embedded object that
can invoke MS paint for 'edting' of the object, but you
can end up with a larger file (compare two new Word documents
where you use Paste Special and Bitmap Image Object then
save the Word file and another new one where you paste
the same image from the clipboard in a non-object format.
==========I also asked and received no answer. Perhaps there is no answer. Seems
like MS Word and Publisher should be able to work with Microsoft editing
Maybe not. >>
I hope this helps you,
Bob Buckland ?

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