Cannot enter time in form



My form display this message
"A numeric field or number that is a larger tahn the field size setting

For detail in table;

Field name; time
Data type; Date/Time
Description: Enter time "in" and "out"
Format : Medium date (after that; change to long date and general date)
Input Mask; 00.00/00.00??;
Required: No
IME mode:No control
Index.Yes (Duplicate.ok)
IME Sentence Mode; None

Thank you.


Hi Zila

I would suggest having a field for [TimeIn] and another field for [TimeOut]
with the input masks set to 00:00 >LL;0;_

AfterUpdate of [TimeOut] you could use a calculated control if you need the
results of time worked


Set the format as Short Time

By doing this will NOT get rid of the seconds (and hour mins date etc) but
they will not be displayed.

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