Cannot exlude weekends when scheduling


David Baxter

When scheduling an Appointment Recurrence>Recurrence Pattern>Daily and want
to set the schedule to say every three days, you cannot set the recurrence to
ignore weekends and only use work days.

This could be used to schedules late staff; three (3) people alternate
staying late, and you need to print a calendar - you can't do it. There are
also many other uses to exclude the weekends, I would have thought a prime
requesit for a work calendar.



Hello David, we will be releasing version 2 of our popular addin WS:Repeat
Appointment for Outlook in two weeks time for existing licence owners and in
middle of December for new users. This does exactly that you request plus
much more.

Overview of the additional features.
a. All the features of WS:Repeat Appointment 1 plus
b. Ability to mix appointments that meet a pattern with adhoc
appointments. For example you can set an appointment for the first Monday of
each month and then modify with adhoc function to change some Mondays to the
c. Send invites as well as set personal appointments
d. Configure up to four time zones so that when an appointment is set, you
can see what time the appointment will occur in each time zone. Ideal for
setting appointments that involve people in different time zones
(e.g.conference calls)

Have a look at our website for the existing product at
or go to for examples of the
functionality and release details of version 2.


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