Cannot find attachments



Sometimes emails with attachments show this error message instead of the
attachment. Even if I do what it says and move it from the Junk Mail folder
into the Inbox, it does not show the message or attachment.

error msg : "Links and other functionality have been disabled in this
message. To restore functionality, move this message tot he Inbox. This
message was converted to plain text. Outlook blocked access tot he following
potentially unsafe attachements:Contract"

However, not all emails with Contracts have this problem, and the contracts
are sent by the same people who merely modifies each contract ie Author and
Properties of the document are the same.

neo [mvp outlook]

Sounds like the message is sitting in the "Junk Email" folder. Do what the
message says and move it to another folder (e.g. Inbox) in order for
functionality to return to that one message. (e.g. Right click on item in
folder list and select Move to Folder.)


Yes, as I mentioned earlier, I had moved it to Inbox but it still did not
show the message nor attachment.

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