cannot find old profile data



My daughter renamed my user profile and I lost all mail and settings. I
did an archive and restore on new imac 2ghz intel core 2 duo and cannot
find mail anywhere-entourage opens brand new-no mail, addresses,
rules...where do I find it and how to import? thank you


Thank you, unfortunately, nothing showed up except empty MUDs...I
didn't trash anything why is the MUD that I need gone? Where do they

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

If they aren't being moved to the trash, or elsewhere on your hard disk,
then the most likely culprits are anti-virus engines reacting to a piece of
spam email (never, ever have AV programmes set to auto-delete infected
files!) or disk corruption.

Diane Ross

Thank you, unfortunately, nothing showed up except empty MUDs...I
didn't trash anything why is the MUD that I need gone? Where do they

It could be in an invisible folder named "lost+found" The folder is located
at the root level of the hard drive. To find this hidden folder called
"lost+found, do a search for "invisible files" and "Microsoft User Data". If
you are lucky, you'll find the missing files.

Note: Due to a bug in 10.4 (still not fixed in 10.4.8) the Finder cannot
find invisible files.

It is better to activate the Finder, then under the 'go' menu, select 'go to
folder'. In that dialog, enter "/lost+found" (without the quotes).

If there is a lost+found folder it will open, if not, you will get a 'folder
not found' error.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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