Cannot Force Check-in Project in Project Server 2007


Madhat Majid

I have a plan in Project Server which was supposedly checked out by a PM and wasnt checked in properly.

Now that I try to force check in the project as an administrator it does not let me and the checkin job remains in the queue at 0%.

I was reading stuff of internet and some where it recommended to delete entries from database and republish the plan. Does any one have any ideas how to go about it? - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

NZ Projects

before you go looking at accessing the DB directly, check the queue. Are
there any related jobs blocking correlation ? If so, cancel these jobs, then
try and check the job in.


Also before directly modifying the db, try clearing the cache in Project
(Tools menu). If you still can't check in the project, search this
forum--there are posts which give the db to update.

Martin Winzig

This problem happend when user close Projet to by pressing to X :(. this
problem was fixed by non public hot fix - KB Article Number(s): 937907

You should instruct user which incorectly closed project to open project
in read only mode and close this project.
If this action do not help you have to clear the queue on the server.

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