cannot get form to load appropriate data -- unless it is in design view!

  • Thread starter Lee Taylor-Vaughan
  • Start date

Lee Taylor-Vaughan

Hi group.

I am trying to double-click an entry on a form and open another form based
on that entry.
However, it only works when the form that is wanted to be open is in design
view. the code i am using is as follows.

why would this code only work when "frmActivity" is in open in design view?
the rest of the code for the frmActivity is included at the end of this

Private Sub OpenMission()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenMission_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim stControlNumber As String

stControlNumber = Me.lstDispMain

stDocName = "frmActivity"

stLinkCriteria = "[ControlNumberID]=" & "'" & stControlNumber & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOpenMission_Click

End Sub


other code for rest of form: (its long!)

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub ShowHideFields()
'used to show appropriate fields on activity form.
'set to DispatchType combo box - after update_event and form current.
'd/c'd per d.smith - only pt transports are to be entered in to this db
'other data is obtained from REMS dispatch. (per d.smith) (1.18.04)

Me.RefFacility.Enabled = False

Select Case Me.DispatchType

Case "Cancel: Enroute to Scene"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Cancel: On Scene"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = True
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Cancel: Prior to Lift Off"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Denial: Mechanical"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Denial: Weather"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Denial: Sick Crew Member"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Denial: On Mission"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Denial: Not Medically Appropriate"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False
Case "Fuel"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Pt Transported: From Scene"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = True
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = True
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = True
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = True
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = True
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = True

Case "Pt Transported: Interfacility"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = True
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = True
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = True
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = True
Me.RefFacility.Enabled = True
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = True
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = True

Case "Reposition"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Training"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "General Police"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Maintainence"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case "Photo Shoot"
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = False
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = False
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = False
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNote.Visible = False
Me.lblPatientNoteAdd.Visible = False

Case Else
Me.chkExtrication.Enabled = True
Me.chkIndustrial.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchLiftOff.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchOnScene.Enabled = True
Me.TimePtContact.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchScene.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchArrivalHosp.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchLeaveHosp.Enabled = True
Me.TimeDispatchAvailable.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = True
Me.lstActivityPatient.Visible = True

End Select

End Sub

Private Sub cmdAddPatient_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub ControlNumberID_AfterUpdate() ''this does not work either.....
If Not IsNull(Me.ControlNumberID) Then Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = True
If IsNull(Me.ControlNumberID) Then Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub ControlNumberID_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo CNError

If Not IsNull(Me.ControlNumberID) Then
With Me.RecordsetClone
.FindFirst "[ControlNumberID] = '" & Me![ControlNumberID] & "'"

If Not .NoMatch Then
If MsgBox("There is already a record entered in the database
with this Control Number." _
& Chr(13) & "Click the 'OK' button to go to this record
now;" _
& "Click cancel to clear your entry and to enter a
different Control Number.") = vbOK _
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
Cancel = True
End If
End If
End With
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume ExitSub

End Sub

Private Sub datedispatch_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Me.DateDispatch = Date
End Sub

Private Sub DispatchType_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Private Sub DispatchType_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Me.DispatchType = "Pt Transported: From Scene"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub

Sub Form_Current()
On Error GoTo Form_Current_Err

'''If IsNull(Me.ControlNumberID) Or Not Me.ControlNumberID = "" Then
Me.cmdDeleteMission.Visible = False
'''If IsNull(Me.ControlNumberID) Or Me.ControlNumberID = "" Then
Me.cmdAddPatient.Visible = False
'''If Not IsNull(Me.ControlNumberID) Or Not Me.ControlNumberID = "" Then


Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume Form_Current_Exit

End Sub

Private Sub OpenPatient()
On Error GoTo Err_OpenPatient_Click

If Not IsNull(Me.ControlNumberID) Then

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmPatients"

stLinkCriteria = "[ControlNumberID]=" & "'" & Me![ControlNumberID] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
Forms!frmpatients.ControlNumberID.Enabled = False
Forms!frmpatients.PatientRecID.Enabled = False
MsgBox "You must enter the Control Number for this mission", vbCritical,
"Missing Data"
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_OpenPatient_Click

End Sub

Private Sub OpenPatientNew()
On Error GoTo Err_OpenPatient_Click

RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord

If Not IsNull(Me.ControlNumberID) Then

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "frmPatients"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , , acFormAdd
Forms!frmpatients.ControlNumberID.Enabled = False
Forms!frmpatients.PatientRecID.Enabled = False
MsgBox "You must enter the Control Number for this mission", vbCritical,
"Missing Data"
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_OpenPatient_Click

End Sub

Private Sub Form_GotFocus()
End Sub

Private Sub IncidentLocationCity_NotInList(strNewData As String, iresponse
As Integer)

Dim strMsgResp As String
Dim strInputState As String
Dim strInputCounty As String
Dim strMsgConf As String
Dim dbCurrent As DAO.Database
Dim rsData As DAO.Recordset

strMsgResp = MsgBox("The City you have entered is not in the list;" _
& "do you wish to add it?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, _
"City Not Found")

If strMsgResp = vbYes Then

strInputState = InputBox("Enter the State where this City (" _
& strNewData & ") is located" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _
& "Enter Only the State Initials. I.e. NJ, PA, NY, CT" _
, "Adding New City", "NJ")

strInputCounty = InputBox("Enter the County where this City (" _
& strNewData & ") is located", "Adding New City")

strMsgConf = MsgBox("Is this correct?" _
& Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Adding City: " & strNewData & Chr(13) _
& "State: " & strInputState & Chr(13) & "County: " _
& strInputCounty, vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Confirmation")

If strMsgConf = vbYes Then

Set dbCurrent = CurrentDB
Set rsData = dbCurrent.OpenRecordset("DispatchCity")

With rsData

!CityName = UCase(strNewData)

!State = UCase(strInputState)

!County = UCase(strInputCounty)
End With

Set dbCurrent = Nothing
Set rsData = Nothing
iresponse = DATA_ERRADDED

Exit Sub
MsgBox "City not added to datafile", vbInformation, "Aborted"
Me.IncidentLocationCity = ""
iresponse = acDataErrContinue
Exit Sub
End If

iresponse = acDataErrContinue

MsgBox "You must select a value from the list", vbInformation +
vbOKOnly, "Not Valid"
Me.IncidentLocationCity = Null
iresponse = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub

Private Sub IncidentLocationState_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Private Sub lstActivityPatient_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
If Not IsNull(Me.lstActivityPatient) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSaveClose_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSaveClose_Click


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSaveClose_Click

End Sub
Private Sub cmdDeleteMission_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteMission_Click

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 6, , acMenuVer70
Exit Sub

Select Case Err.Number
Case 3200
MsgBox "You cannot delete this record as there is/are associated
patient/s." & _
Chr(13) & "Delete patient/s first, and then retry deletion of this
mission.", vbInformation, "Cannot Erase, yet!"
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description
End Select

Resume Exit_cmdDeleteMission_Click

End Sub

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