cannot insert navigation



Help me please!i have made the navigation structure which is fine,when i go
to view, the navigation option is available and i can view my navigation bar.
when i go to a page (which has been inserted successfully into my navigation
bar), and go to insert, the navigation option is not available for any page.
is there something i need to add?

any suggestions would be much appreciated!!!


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)


But, you do have to open your web site first or Insert | Navigation will be
grayed out...and indication that you are working with a "loose" page and not
one that is contained within a web Site.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

| Help me please!i have made the navigation structure which is fine,when i
| to view, the navigation option is available and i can view my navigation
| when i go to a page (which has been inserted successfully into my
| bar), and go to insert, the navigation option is not available for any
| is there something i need to add?
| any suggestions would be much appreciated!!!
| thanks
| --
| Angie


Hi Rob

do u mean that the site must be open in frontpage? yes, the site is open and
the page is open when i try to insert the navigation bar into the page so im
baffled as to why its greyed out?

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