Cannot install german language support for english Word 2003 installation


Goran Ivanic

I am getting the well known "Cannot find proofing tool for german (Germany)" error popup when
I opened a Word document with Word 2003.

According to some recommendations I went to menu

Start->Programs->MsOffice->MsOfficeTools->Ms Office 2003 Language Settings

After analyzation of the current MsOffice installation a dialog pops up
where on the right (="already installed") side german is already listed but greyed out/disabled.

Maybe this is because I used an english MsOffice 2003.

So I have I problem: I cannot add german (Germany) from the left side to the right
side because it already exists. Moreover I cannot remove it (for later re-adding)
on the right side because it is disabled.

Why ist german greyed out/disabled ?

How can I otherwise add "german (Germany)" language support ?

By the way: Adding "german (Austria)" language support does NOT help/remove my
original "Missing proofing tool" problem.

Why are hundreds of languages available on the left side but not "german (Germany)"?

Is the language support for one language embedded in a single file which I could take from another
computer and copy it to the local installation ?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I think you are confusing languages that are "enabled" and those for which
proofing tools are installed. Office 2003 (English version) comes with
proofing tools for English, Spanish, and French. In order to get German
proofing tools (that is, the spell check and hyphenation lexicons, grammar
files, thesaurus), you must buy the entire package of proofing tools, which
includes these files for all other languages. By enabling a language, you
become able to select this language on the language bar (if enabled), which
may change the keyboard to make typing German easier and mark the language
as being German, but, without the proofing tools, you cannot perform
spelling or grammar checking.

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello Goran

Goran said:
I am getting the well known "Cannot find proofing tool for german (Germany)" error popup when
I opened a Word document with Word 2003.

I _think_ I've seen this post in a German newsgroup, but if not: it's
not actually an Error message IMHO.

The information about Proofing Tools and Language Editions of Office
2003 sadly enough seem to have gone from the website. The bottom line is:

You buy Office 2003, either retail or as OEM, in one of many different
language editions. Each edition comes with a set of languages. A German
Edition usually has German, English, and (IIRC) French. An English
version has probably something like English and Spanish and/or French,
but certainly not German. If you don't have proofing capabilities
available for one of the languages of your edition, I'd check Setup.

There is no way to get Proofing Tools for other languages except by
purchasing the Office 2003 Proofing Tools. [For a normal user, that
would exclude Volume Licence customers.]


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