Cannot Install Office 2000 on Windows XP SP1a


Thomas Dietrich

We just received some brand new HP Evo desktop PC's with Win XP SP1a pre-installed. When I try to install Office 2000 Professional about 3/4 way through the setup I am prompted that the installer needs to update some Windows files, and it asks me to insert the Win XP SP1 CD. So I insert the CD, and it tells me that's the wrong CD. So I try another, and another, and another, and so on. I've tried to install Office 2000 Standard, same problem. I tried installing Office 2000 Pro SP1, same problem. I can install Office XP without any trouble, but we need Office 2000 to be compatible with our unified messaging system.
Anybody seen this before? I spent hours on hold with HP, they blame Microsoft. Anybody have any suggestions?

Thomas Dietrich


Thomas said:
We just received some brand new HP Evo desktop PC's with Win XP
SP1a pre-installed. When I try to install Office 2000 Professional
about 3/4 way through the setup I am prompted that the installer
needs to update some Windows files, and it asks me to insert the Win
XP SP1 CD. So I insert the CD, and it tells me that's the wrong CD.
So I try another, and another, and another, and so on. I've tried to
install Office 2000 Standard, same problem. I tried installing
Office 2000 Pro SP1, same problem. I can install Office XP without
any trouble, but we need Office 2000 to be compatible with our
unified messaging system. Anybody seen this before? I spent hours on
hold with HP, they blame Microsoft. Anybody have any suggestions?

Thomas Dietrich

See if your installations have the folder i386, perhaps on a separate
partition? If so, this contains all of the installation files. You
might copy this folder from the installation CD if it is not already

Then change the path to the OS.
[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
Registry Key:
Data Type: REG_SZ [String Value] / Value Name: SourcePath
Value Data: [Enter the location where you copied the \i386 folder]
Example: A valid entry would be D:\I386
Modify/Create the Value Name [SourcePath] according to the Value Data
listed above.
Exit Registry and Reboot

If this works on one computer then you can script the folder to the
other new machines (which I do not know how to do).

You do have adminstrator rights?



I am having the same problem. New Dell Optiplex XP Pro computers, logged in with admin rights. Office 2000 original CD, not upgrades. The CD will not autoplay, is not able to be explored and in general seems unreadable by the CD drive. Of the 4 new machines I am setting up, I have, with difficulty, been able to get 2 of them to open the setup package by using "control panel>add-remove programs" However, it went very slowly and had errors. The other 2 machines cannot even do that

These new machines had XP updates out of the box

Thanks for any insight or assitance

Thomas Dietrich

I didn't have problems launching the Setup.exe, that went fine (although I am installing from a network share rather than the original CD's). I tried several different versions of Office 2000, but none would complete the installation. I was forced to install Office XP, which I didn't really want to do

You might try copying your CD onto the hard drive, or onto a network share, and try installing from there.

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