cannot make the excel fill in/delete cells fast


Johny B.

I have problems with filling in/deleting the cells in some 6 sheets workbook.
It should be a excel based tool for simple financial analysis.
There are P&L statement, Balance sheet, Cash-flow statement, Ratios, etc. in
respective worksheet.

There is a specific structure of input cells in each worksheet (about 1000
cells). In array PL, there are the numbers rows. In array NMonths, there are
number of columns.
Dim NMonths(1 To 24) As Integer....there are 24 collumns

PL(1) = 5
PL(2) = 6
PL(3) = 10
...........-in array PL, there are numbers of rows

NMonths(1) = 6
NMonths(2) = 7
NMonths(3) = 8
...........-in array NMonths, there are numbers of collumns

Than, in a loop, I am trying to fill in/delete the cells.

For col = 1 To 24
For ro = 1 To 45
Worksheets(2).Cells(PL(ro), NMonths(col)) = PLdata(col,ro)
Next ro
Next col

It works very slowly - mentioned loop lasts about 1 minute - on normally
very fast computers.

Are there any other faster ways of referencing cells or what would be the
most efficient solutions for of filling in/deleting this amount of not
neighbouring cells?

Thanks for your help!

Johny B.

Norman Jones

Hi Johny B,

Aside from any consideration of your code, try a structure something like:

Sub AAA()
'Your Dim statements

With Application
CalcMode = .Calculation
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With

'Your processing code

With Application
.Calculation = CalcMode
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With

End Sub

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