Cannot open a word document


Paul Wilson

Hi guys,

When i programmatically try to open a word document, i get the following
error message
An error occurred while loading 'ThisDocument'. Do you want to continue
loading the project?

I also get the same error message when i try to manually do the following,
1. Open MS word
2. Open the above word document (i don't get any error messages)
3. Then click the Visual Basic Editor menu from from Tools->Macros
4. Next i get the above mentioned message box.

If i click "OK", then Word Crashes.
if i click NO, then nothing happens, the word document or the Visual Basic
Edit opens up.

NOTE : This document is something i got from a client (hence have no idea
what macros are stored in this document of theirs).

Much appreciate someones help on this.



By the sounds of it, the macro part of the document is corrupt. There's not
much to be gained trying to diagnose it. Just delete the document.

Paul Wilson

Now i've got annother document, but one without any macros.
Absolutely no macros.

Any ideas??



In that case I'd be looking for a corrupt macro in or in an
add-in. As a quick diagnostic, start Word from the command line with the /a
switch (go to Start > Run and enter

winword.exe /a

Now see if you have any problems with either document. If no, your problem
is in or in an add-in.

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