Jonathan Corbett

When I try to open ACCESS 2000, I get and error message
telling me:

<<Can Find The Database your Specified, or You Didn't
Specify A Database At All.
Specify a vaild database in the command line, and include
a path if neccesary>>

Access 2000 is installed, in fact I did a total dump of
Office 2000 and a complete Install, still the same thing.


Margaret Jewell

I'm having the same problem and have not been able to find
anyone to help me! I bought my software (MS Office 2000)
installed on a Dell Dimension 4100 back in April 2001.
Until this summer when I began taking MS Access in
college, I had not even tried to use the Access program
that came loaded on the computer. Since no databases have
been created, how could I select a database? And it gives
me no option to create a new database.

Now Dell Tech Support has referred me to MS websites, and
the MS websites are trying to send me back to Dell because
the software came installed on the PC at purchase.

I, too, tried re-installing MS Office 2000 to no avail. I
even did the gutsy thing and restored the whole system, so
I'm assuming the problem existed from purchase and
delivery. Unfortunately, I did not check it out so the
warranty is no longer valid.

I truly hope someone out there can help us!



I don't know if this will help you, but it cost me a lot
of time and money, and since you were getting the same
error message, I thought I would share it.

After being batted back and forth between Microsoft and
Dell as to whose problem it was, I finally bought
technical support (which I had not previously needed).

Then I found out that my Dell 4100 Dimension came loaded
with OFFICE 2000 SMALL BUSINESS EDITION, which does not
even have ACCESS in it.

Why the ACCESS Icon shows in my Start-up Programs Menu, no
one can tell me. Further, when I was un-installing/re-
installing Office 2000 in hopes it would help, I noticed
that Access 97 showed in the Add/Remove option window. No
one at Dell or Microsoft can tell me why. I've never owned
Access 97, and no one else could have installed it.

Hard lesson learned: My next computer will be more
thoroughly checked out, both Operating System and
Application Systems while still under warranty.

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