cannot open anymore databases???



I have read the responses but this is either machine or software related.

I have a split mdb. I have put bth the FE and BE on the server for this test.
From one machine I open the FE on the server and the form works as expected,
(complicated with sevetral subforms) but it works fine. I close the database
and open the identical file from the server on a second machine and get the
above message.

Both machines are running Access 2003 (11.8166.8221) SP3.

The machine it fails on has plenty of memory.

Any clues what in the software or machine that could be causing it.

Jeff Boyce


Good news ... and bad ...

Congratulations on "splitting" your application. You are absolutely correct
that you need to put the data out there somewhere on the network so all
users can see it.

But if you put a single copy of the front-end out on your network and expect
every/all users to hit that at the same time, you will get corruption and
contention and problems like ... ooops, you got them!

Put that front-end on YOUR PC. Put another copy of it on the other PC. Try
it now.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

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I only out the Fe on the server for my test. The production version has each
user running from their local machine to a linked BE on the server. I ran the
Fe from the server to prove the mdb was fine. The problem is with the
machines or the install of Access/Office. I wanted to pull up the exact same
FE from 2 machines, so putting it on the server for "my" test was what I did.

Jeff Boyce


If your eventual aim is to have individual copies of the FE on each user's
PC, how does testing the FE stored on your network "mirror" this condition?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned
in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or psuedocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer


I wanted to be sure there was no problem with the FE mdb. I did not want for
the test to use a copy, althougth that would probably be okay.

I wanted to isolate the problem as not being the mdb with too many subforms,
comboboxes etc being open.

Why would an mdb work on one machine and not another is the question. The
version of Access is identical between machines as is the mdb. I was hoping
someone would know it is something like an Office install, a silly DLL, or
something as obsure as the video, or maybe because one machine is blue while
the other is grey. See you got me rambling... I just was hoping someone would
have encountered this and had n answer.


I ran into a similar problem long ago when running an early version of
A97. It was helped with the SR2 upgrade. The problem has been reduced,
but not eliminated. It still exists in A2003, although I don't run
into it very often.

The error message is misleading; it's not "databases" that can't be
open, (IIRC) it's handles to various objects. There is a limit of
something like 2048 concurrent open objects, and no method exists to
count how many are open. You only become aware of the problem when you
exceed the magic limit.

The solution is to reduce the number of concurrent open objects. You
say that your form has several subforms -- those are real "object
hogs". Consider implementing some method for reducing the number of
subforms such as placing the subforms on a Tab control, and only
opening the subform when the appropriate Tab is selected. Another
thing to check is DAO objects; always set them to Nothing when you are
done with them. Combo boxes are another culprit.

It's a PITA to figure out but the over-riding strategy is to simplify
your forms.


Jeff Boyce

Sorry, can't help - no experience with that directly.

I saw something similar, but it was related to not explicitly releasing
recordsets or not explicitly comparing booleans to values in IF statement or
some other truly bizarre and seemingly unrelated causes.

Even though you believe the two machines to be identical, odds are that
there are, as you've suggested, small differences in DLLs, etc.

Best of luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Access MVP

Disclaimer: This author may have received products and services mentioned
in this post. Mention and/or description of a product or service herein
does not constitute endorsement thereof.

Any code or psuedocode included in this post is offered "as is", with no
guarantee as to suitability.

You can thank the FTC of the USA for making this disclaimer

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