cannot open attach of type .msg


Robyn Harcott

Exchange 2003 & Outlook 2003

Have just started receiving the message "the form required to view this
message cannot be displayed. Contact your administrator".

Have no problem opening other types of attachments.

Cannot find anything on this is the KB.

Anyone know what might be causing this??



Have you tried this:
Clear the forms cache
There are different methods that you can use to clear the Outlook forms
cache. Each method has advantages and disadvantages.
• Method 1
Microsoft recommends that you use the Clear Cache method. To do this, follow
these steps:
1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Other tab.
2. Click Advanced Options.
3. In the Advanced Options box, click Custom Forms.
4. In the Custom Forms box, click Manage Forms.
5. In the Forms Manager box, click Clear Cache.

• Method 3
You can also rename the Frmcache.dat file. Do not do this as your first
attempt to resolve a problem with the forms cache because the Frmcache.dat
file may contain information about other forms. However, if your other
efforts to clear the forms cache have failed, you can rename the Frmcache.dat
file and then restart Outlook.

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