Cannot open document with "frames" in heading style.




I am using Word 2000 Premium SR-1 with SP3 installed.

One of my co-workers gave me a document that used a "frame" in the
Heading 4 style. I was unable to remove the frame from the style. I
revised the document extensively, and was able to open and close it
without a problem. However, I am suddenly unable to open the
document. When I try, I receive the error, "The document name or path
is not valid. Try these suggestions..."

The Microsoft Knowledge Base suggests installing the latest Service
Pack (done), or saving the frames in the document in .doc format (I
can't do that if I can't open the document).

When I try to open the document with Notepad or Wordpad, I receive a
message that states, "This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't
support them."

Microsoft seems to be aware of the problem, but I don't see a fix that
will allow me to open the doc.

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help,


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