cannot open file.check to make sure the name is typed correctly



the file is on the desktop, i can open the file if i have excel open first
then go to the open option. but if i double click on the file from my
desktop i get a message that says cannot open file...please check that the
filename is correct

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Steelrain,
the file is on the desktop, i can open the file if i have excel open first
then go to the open option. but if i double click on the file from my
desktop i get a message that says cannot open file...please check that the
filename is correct

How to reinstate Excel's ability to open files with spaces
in their name/path by double clicking:

1. Have Excel correct it

1. Choose start (Start button), Run, type:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\EXCEL.EXE" /Regserver
2. Click OK

2. Do it yourself

1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Choose from its menu: View, Options. (or View / Folder Options in Windows
3. Select the File Types tab
4. Scroll to Microsoft Excel Worksheet
5. Click Edit
6. Select the OPEN entry (it should be highlighted (bolded)
7. Click Edit and check that the fields are set as follows:
a) Application used: should be EXCEL.EXE, loaded from the correct directory
b) Use DDE should be checked
c) The DDE message should be (exactly): [Open("%1")]
d) Application should be: excel
e) DDE Application not running should be empty
f) Topic should be: system
8. Click OK
9. Click Close
10. If you wish to double-click other Excel file types, e.g. template
(xlt) or workspace (xlw), select the appropriate type in the File Types
tab and repeat from step (5)


- Use DDE turned OFF
- Command line: "c:\program files\xlview\xlview.exe" "%1"


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association


I as using Vista and Office 2007, i tried what you said, but didn't get very
far. Does that make a difference?

Jan Karel Pieterse said:
Hi Steelrain,
the file is on the desktop, i can open the file if i have excel open first
then go to the open option. but if i double click on the file from my
desktop i get a message that says cannot open file...please check that the
filename is correct

How to reinstate Excel's ability to open files with spaces
in their name/path by double clicking:

1. Have Excel correct it

1. Choose start (Start button), Run, type:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\EXCEL.EXE" /Regserver
2. Click OK

2. Do it yourself

1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Choose from its menu: View, Options. (or View / Folder Options in Windows
3. Select the File Types tab
4. Scroll to Microsoft Excel Worksheet
5. Click Edit
6. Select the OPEN entry (it should be highlighted (bolded)
7. Click Edit and check that the fields are set as follows:
a) Application used: should be EXCEL.EXE, loaded from the correct directory
b) Use DDE should be checked
c) The DDE message should be (exactly): [Open("%1")]
d) Application should be: excel
e) DDE Application not running should be empty
f) Topic should be: system
8. Click OK
9. Click Close
10. If you wish to double-click other Excel file types, e.g. template
(xlt) or workspace (xlw), select the appropriate type in the File Types
tab and repeat from step (5)


- Use DDE turned OFF
- Command line: "c:\program files\xlview\xlview.exe" "%1"


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Steelrain,
I as using Vista and Office 2007, i tried what you said, but didn't get very
far. Does that make a difference?

The first option should work.

Check this too:

Office button, Excel options, Advanced tab, look for the topic "General". Make
sure the "Ignore other applications....." box is NOT checked.


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association


The "ignore other applications..." box was checked, I guess that was it. It
works now. Thank you very much.



Hi Steelrain,

The first option should work.

Check this too:

Office button,Exceloptions, Advanced tab, look for the topic "General". Make
sure the "Ignore other applications....." box is NOT checked.


Jan Karel PieterseExcelMVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer

I am having this problem with one user as well after I upgraded them
from Office 2003 pro to Office 2007 pro on Windows XP Professional. It
is also giving me an error that it can't find files when they have
spaces in the names. I have searched and found a site mentioning to
check the settings in the file association and DDE settings. Any and
all help is greatly appreciated. This is the CFO's computer and he
relies on excel to perform his job.


Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Zachms,
I am having this problem with one user as well after I upgraded them
from Office 2003 pro to Office 2007 pro on Windows XP Professional. It
is also giving me an error that it can't find files when they have
spaces in the names. I have searched and found a site mentioning to
check the settings in the file association and DDE settings. Any and
all help is greatly appreciated. This is the CFO's computer and he
relies on excel to perform his job.

Did you try the suggested solution quoted in your own message?


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association


Hi Zachms,

Did you try the suggested solution quoted in your own message?


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer

Yes, I have tried everything I have found online as solutions. I have
also uninstalled office 2007, restarted and then reinstalled office
2007. It still is doing the same thing. I can open word documents by
double clicking on them but not excel.


Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Zachms,
Yes, I have tried everything I have found online as solutions. I have
also uninstalled office 2007, restarted and then reinstalled office
2007. It still is doing the same thing. I can open word documents by
double clicking on them but not excel.

Does this help:

How to reinstate Excel's ability to open files with spaces
in their name/path by double clicking:

1. Have Excel correct it

1. Choose start (Start button), Run, type:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\EXCEL.EXE" /Regserver
2. Click OK

2. Do it yourself

1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Choose from its menu: View, Options. (or View / Folder Options in Windows
3. Select the File Types tab
4. Scroll to Microsoft Excel Worksheet
5. Click Edit
6. Select the OPEN entry (it should be highlighted (bolded)
7. Click Edit and check that the fields are set as follows:
a) Application used: should be EXCEL.EXE, loaded from the correct directory
b) Use DDE should be checked
c) The DDE message should be (exactly): [Open("%1")]
d) Application should be: excel
e) DDE Application not running should be empty
f) Topic should be: system
8. Click OK
9. Click Close
10. If you wish to double-click other Excel file types, e.g. template
(xlt) or workspace (xlw), select the appropriate type in the File Types
tab and repeat from step (5)


- Use DDE turned OFF
- Command line: "c:\program files\xlview\xlview.exe" "%1"


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association


I am having the same problem. In your instructions here, what do you mean
"office button", where are you starting from?

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Laura,
I am having the same problem. In your instructions here, what do you mean
"office button", where are you starting from?

If you're using Excel 2003 or before there is no such button, that was
introduced with Office 2007 and is the little round Office logo on the top-left
corner of your application window. FOr older versions, use Tools, Options.


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association

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