Cannot open file for output




I am trying to run some very simple code to write to a file on my host PC
using an Excel VBA macro:

Sub TestFileOpening()
Dim FileNumber As Integer
FileNumber = FreeFile()
Open "C:\TEST.TXT" For Output As #FileNumber
Write #FileNumber, "This is a sample."
Close #FileNumber
End Sub

The 'write' statement fails with 'Run-time error '54' Bad file mode'.

This code runs fine on a colleague's machine. I have tried setting the Excel
security level to medium or low but still get the error. I think the code is
correct so I suspect a security issue but I don't know where else to look.

I am running Excel 2003 SP1 on Windows XP Prof SP2.

Can anyone help me please?



For the record, we eventually found that the real-time anti-virus software
running on my PC was blocking execution of the VB script. Unfortunately, it
was giving no indication of doing so.


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