Cannot open the free/busy information.



I'm goin' to get crazy.
I've lost my whole week trying to solve this but....

I have exchange 2003.
Aloso I have exchange 2007 but it's down, becouse 32bit exchange don't have
licence and we don't have 64bit hardware yet, and exch 2k7 can't be

Anyway everything is on 2003, we didn't move mailboxes to 2k7. Everything
work fine except one, shared calendar.

It's resource calendar "Conference Room" and it's used for set appoitments
in2 this room. Last week, users who use outlook 2007 can't sent meeting
request with conference room as resource.

Error messeges we're gettig are:
Cannot open the free/busy information. - If i try to open some item in this
Cannot open the free/busy information. Cannot directly book a resource for
this meeting. - If i try to send meeting request with conference room in

I also tried to add full acces to this mailbox and add it as optional mbox
to my account but it's the same. Please, help me. :(

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