Cannot open website after upgrading to FP2003



Tonight I upgraded to FP2003 from FP2002, and now I cannot open a site I
created and have on a remote server. I have never had this problem with 2002
and have been working live with this site for months with no problems. When
I try to open it in FP2003 now I get the hourglass for about 2 or 3 minutes
and then an error message saying something about not being able to connect
because the server does not have sharepoint services. I never had them or
needed them before. FP2003 will not connect to the server at all, please
help. I have a backup of the site (an old backup), but I still can't connect
to the server now with 2003 so that doesn't do me any good. Any ideas?

Stefan B Rusynko

The sharepoint services dialog is generic for not having the FP SE
How are you opening your site
File Open Site and entering the URL as
- or selecting it from Network places
Try browsing to you site home page in IE and using File Edit w/ FP

| Hello,
| Tonight I upgraded to FP2003 from FP2002, and now I cannot open a site I
| created and have on a remote server. I have never had this problem with 2002
| and have been working live with this site for months with no problems. When
| I try to open it in FP2003 now I get the hourglass for about 2 or 3 minutes
| and then an error message saying something about not being able to connect
| because the server does not have sharepoint services. I never had them or
| needed them before. FP2003 will not connect to the server at all, please
| help. I have a backup of the site (an old backup), but I still can't connect
| to the server now with 2003 so that doesn't do me any good. Any ideas?
| Thanks.


I've tried opening all those ways. The frontpage server extensions are
installed, I've been working on the site live for months up until yesterday
with FP2002, but after installing FP2003 I get that error message. It won't
open any of those ways, it just won't connect to the server.


Update: I tried opening it by typing the name in manually and it worked this
time, whewww. Thanks for your help.

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