Cannot Print A Word In Bold Using Word Basic



I inherited a program that is written in word basic using Microsoft Word
2003. I have a variable that prints in a Word document:

Hinp$ = "$250^p^tper day ^p^t up to 3 day maximum"

This line works fine, it prints in normal text. What the user wants is to
have the word "maximum" in bold. I tried ^b, [bold], and a few other things
that either doesn't work or I get a syntax error. Both Microsofts web site
and the internet didn't help me much. Does anyone know how to use bold in a
variable so only the word maximum prints.




If this is not for html, but a regular document...
Word doesn't recognize formatting code in a variable.
You could use these lines:
selection.typetext "$250^p^tper day ^p^t up to 3 day "
selection.font.bold = true
selection.typetext "maximum"
selection.font.bold = false

^p^tper day [plain]^p^t -will show as literal text.

If you want a tab, you concatenate a vbTab into a string using a &
selection.typetext "Before tab " & vbTab & "after tab."

vbCr is a paragraph mark, etc.
I inherited a program that is written in word basic using Microsoft Word
2003. I have a variable that prints in a Word document:

Hinp$ = "$250^p^tper day [plain]^p^t up to 3 day maximum"

This line works fine, it prints in normal text. What the user wants is to
have the word "maximum" in bold. I tried ^b, [bold], and a few other things
that either doesn't work or I get a syntax error. Both Microsofts web site
and the internet didn't help me much. Does anyone know how to use bold in a
variable so only the word maximum prints.




Use Alt/F11 to go into Word VBA editor.
Use menu Help/Visual Basic Help
Search for the word
For information on converting code to VBA.

I inherited a program that is written in word basic using Microsoft Word
2003. I have a variable that prints in a Word document:

Hinp$ = "$250^p^tper day ^p^t up to 3 day maximum"

This line works fine, it prints in normal text. What the user wants is to
have the word "maximum" in bold. I tried ^b, [bold], and a few other things
that either doesn't work or I get a syntax error. Both Microsofts web site
and the internet didn't help me much. Does anyone know how to use bold in a
variable so only the word maximum prints.



Helmut Weber

Hi Russ,

just another footnote,
in former times you could sent a string
containing control characters,
which were all preceded by escape,
to the printer,
causing the printer to print backwards, bold etc.
even pulling the endless paper back,
until all was a mess.

The code looks as if it was from that time.

Still worse with then high-tech line printers,
located in the next air-conditioned room,
which ejected 200 pages before you could pull the plug out.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Win XP, Office 2003
"red.sys" & Chr$(64) & ""


You're right Helmut, I assumed he just wanted his code to produce text in a
document. We still send escape sequences to printers to format their output
on some printers from Unix boxes at work. But they looked more like ^[Q10 or
ESC &l10.

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