Cannot print on all the labels Herma 4615



I have a problem with printing on the Herma Label 4615. The format is 3
columns by 8 rows. However, I can only print on 7 rows and the extra address
labels will move to a new sheet, hence wasting 1 row of labels. I tried
changing the page margins, but to no avail. Can any one help?

L'Équipe Microsoft Windows Mail

Helpless said:
I have a problem with printing on the Herma Label 4615. The format is 3
columns by 8 rows. However, I can only print on 7 rows and the extra
labels will move to a new sheet, hence wasting 1 row of labels. I tried
changing the page margins, but to no avail. Can any one help?


I have a problem with printing on the Herma Label 4615. The format is 3
columns by 8 rows. However, I can only print on 7 rows and the extra address
labels will move to a new sheet, hence wasting 1 row of labels. I tried
changing the page margins, but to no avail. Can any one help?

Modern printers may have a minimum no print zone on all margins, left,
right, top, and bottom.

The length of the detail section for that last row of labels is just a
tad to much for your printer.

Here are some trial and error things you can do to perhaps resolve
this difficulty:

1) Make sure the bottom margin for the label report is small enough.
Set it to 0" in File + Page SetUp + Margins.
When you save the change, it will be reset to the printer minimum.

2) Slightly move the label position a bit higher on the detail
section, so the top line prints nearer the top of the label.

3) Replace all the label controls you now have with just 1 text
control, sized just a shade less than the maximum height that will fit
in the Detail space available.
Name this new control [CombinedAddress]
Set it's Control Source to something like:
= [FirstName] & " " & [LastName] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [Address] &
Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [City] & ", " & [State] & " " & [Zip]

(Change the field names above, as needed.)
The above has the advantage of spacing each line slightly
closer than using individual text boxes.

Preview the report.
If necessary, go back to design view and make the label
height smaller, (from the bottom) until you get that last label row to

4) Make the Font size smaller so that you can make the above text
control height smaller.

5) It's quite possible that none of the above will be effective, in
which case be prepared to only print 21 labels.

John Spencer

Probably your printer won't permit margins that are small enough to
allow you to print 8 rows. Some printers cannot print close enough to
the bottom to allow this.

You can try a different printer and see if that helps.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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