Any emotional characteristics you're assigning to the posts are purely your
own construct. The only true insult, outside of flagrant flaming, is to
completely ignore a question that is badly asked. The fact that we respond
is, in itself, a hand reaching out to help. If you can't accept that, you
have an paid-support avenue to pursue.
Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"
For Project Server FAQs visit
For Project FAQs visit
JmpJack said:
The purpose of this forum to discuss issues that related to Project Server.
Many people use it as a learning tool and a resource for problems they may be
experiencing. Regardless of a person's level of experience with any product,
I would hope the goal would be to assist the person as much as possible. The
responses above were more insulting and condescending than actually offering
any help. Posting a question, in a way to gather additional information or
help is all relative to the experience level of the individual. I don't see
any reason why we can't solicit additional information instead of belittling
the person who's asking. Although I've contradicted my very first point, I
thought this was important to mention.
the right terminology but you should make a concerted effort to ask your
questions accurately and intelligently if you expect to get any help.
Accuracy means describing the circumstances in detail to the best of your
ability. And asking questions intelligently means that it's obvious that
you've done some research, already tried a few things, what those things
were that you tried and what the specific outcomes you CAN publish a project. Is that accurate? If so, there is a series of
steps that needs to be followed to ensure this works as it should.