I have had a web site for some time now and suddenly I cannot publish to the
web using the web publishing feature on Front Page 2002. I have been on the
phone with my host provider and they cannot figure it out either. I get a
"server timed out" message and cannot even chose "options" because it is not
available. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, etc. I can publish using FTP,
but cannot access my web site through Front Page at all. I have also
uninstalled and reinstalled the front page extensions on my host site. I did
upgrade to IE 7 recently, however I cannot publish from IE6 on another
computer either.
web using the web publishing feature on Front Page 2002. I have been on the
phone with my host provider and they cannot figure it out either. I get a
"server timed out" message and cannot even chose "options" because it is not
available. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, etc. I can publish using FTP,
but cannot access my web site through Front Page at all. I have also
uninstalled and reinstalled the front page extensions on my host site. I did
upgrade to IE 7 recently, however I cannot publish from IE6 on another
computer either.