Cannot query Access database with FP2003 exts, server 2003



We migrated from fp2002 exts, windows 2000 server to a new FP2003 exts,
server 2003. We are experiencing the following: cannot query existing
access databases with ASP pages created on the old server (after publishing)
but we can post data with no problems.

We can write new ASPs and query the data as well as post.

As we have hundreds of pages accessing databases, it is not realistic to
rewrite all the pages.

We think it is some kind of permissions issue, but don't know where to
Any ideas would greatly be appreciated!!

Chris Leeds, MVP - FrontPage

I've seen this sometimes when someone migrates to a 2003 server.
If memory serves it's because of the server by default having disallowed
parent paths.

Here's a PDF on how to put them back on:

Chris Leeds
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Chris Leeds, MVP - FrontPage

I'm so glad it worked out for you!

Chris Leeds
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