Cannot read client's reply in text; html and text different


Finn Skovgaard

Recently, I've had a few experiences like this:

1. I send a quote to a client with Outlook 2000, which is configured to send
messages as html for a better presentation.
2. I receive a reply from the client. In my inbox view, Outlook previews 3
lines of the text part of the reply, as I have configered it to preview.
3. When I open the message, all I see is my original e-mail in html format.
4. When I close the message, Outlook no longer previews, and the client's
reply is totally unavailable.

I am aware that an html message has a text part - in case the receiving
client cannot read html - and an html part. The replies are probably created
incorrectly by a client that does not understand html and simply keeps the
html part.

But it is an embarrassing problem that I am unable to read client replies
and need to ask them to resend by replying to a text-only e-mail so I'm sure
I can read the reply.

It may be that the e-mail I receive is in an incorrect format, but that
doesn't help my client relations. How can I get to the text-only part? I
don't mind if I need to use awkward methods. What is important is the client


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