Cannot read forwarded e-mails from some users



I'm running Windows XP on a new Lenovo notebook computer.

When a friend forwards an e-mail to me from her Netscape 4.0, I can read her
message just fine but the forwarded message appears as an attachment and has
an envelope icon in front of the word "Message" followed by the name of the
attached file. When I place the cursor over the file name it repeats the name
and below that says it is an Outlook message file.

When I left click on the file a new reading pane opens up, showing a red
circle with a white X in it and says: "This file cannot be previewed because
of an error with the following previewer: Microsoft Office Outlook message
and item previewer To open this file in its own program, double-click it."

When I double-click on the attached file, the blue selection rectangle jumps
over to the word "Message" and the envelope icon but nothing else happens.

When I right click on the attached file, I get the usual drop down menu. I
click on Save As and save the file to my hard drive. Then I open Windows
Explorer, browse to the file, and double click on it. At this point, Windows
just returns to Outlook without opening the file, which has a "*.msg"

This also happens when a few other people send me attached message, but I
haven't asked all of them whether they are using Netscape or Outlook.

Does anyone know of a fix to this problem?

This is an annoying problem which I haven't been able to solve for several

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