Cannot record macro in excel


Juha Lampinen

If you cannot record macro in microsoft excel. I found one reason for

Reason for this was security righs in registry.

My case was this:

We have Windows 2000 AD domain.We use compatws.inf template in group
policy to give more rights to normal domain users.

Situation was this:

I cloned PC from image and in first boot i installed f-secure to PC.
This installation added one registry key to
hklm/software/classes/clsid and gave this key security righs to
averyone . This key did not have permission to inherite permissions
from upperlevel. Thats why security templates hangs and users did not
got all righs what they needed.

you can see this from c:\windows\security\log\winlogon.log

Solution was this:
i change this key so that it can inheritate rights from upperlevel.

I found out that this excel macro error seems to be very usual
problem. I think that many of these cases can be solved examing

If you have domain check c:\windows\security\log\winlogon.log
also directory access righs should be checked

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